Plot No. 38 Kirthar Road, Sector H-9/4 Islamabad, Pakistan

On Going and Future Activities

Title Description Outcomes Scope/Objective Completion Date
Rapid Labour Market Assessment for Skilled Workforce in Key Economic Sectors

The mid-term evaluation of the TVET Sector Support Progamme, carried out in May 2019, has suggested to carry-out a rapid market assessment for skilled workforce to get fresh insight of the labour market and to verify the employment projections provided in previous sectoral studies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to assess the current labour market situation in Pakistan and to verify the findings of sectoral studies conducted in year 2017. The findings and recommendations of the report would help policy makers and stakeholders to review and re-adjust skills development initiatives.  

The outcome of the study would be the information collected against the following indicators:

a.       Percentage of TVET graduate working in relevant occupations.

b.      Job Vacancy Rate (JVR)-Trade wise.

c.       Ratio of TVET graduates with informal sector skilled persons in employment.

d.      Share of companies providing apprenticeship and other types of training

e.      Percentage of TVET graduate got employment with employers (trade wise)

f.        Work based learner participation rate

g.       Employment to population ratio (gender-wise and age-wise)

h.      Employment by sector

The aim of the assignment is to carry out rapid labour market assessment for skilled workforce in key economic sectors and to gauge the impact of economic slowdown on employment. The specific objectives of this activity are as under:

1.      Collect demand side employment information from industrial units and employers on the prescribed proforma.

2.      Identify sources for collection of demand side data from employers in informal labour market.

3.      Verify and validate the already conducted seven sectoral studies in year 2017 by getting fresh labour market insight.

4.      Verify existing pattern, identify skills set for various occupations and anticipate future demand of skilled workforce.

5.      Carry out skills demand analysis and anticipate future demand of workforce both in formal and informal key economic sectors.

6.      Formulate recommendations for possible measures leading to enterprise development and employment generation.


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This website has been developed with the assistance of the TVET Sector Support Programme, funded by the European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Royal Norwegian Embassy. The Programme is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in close collaboration with the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) and a number of public and private sector organizations at the national and provincial/regional levels. The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the partner organization (s) and doesn't reflect the views of the TVET Sector Support Programme.

Contact info

National Vocational & Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC).

NAVTTC HQs., Plot No. 38 Kirthar Road, Sector H-9/4 Islamabad
